Friday, 15 June 2012

Nothing Is Prettier than a Vase of Flowers
Flowers can really help to brighten up a room. I don’t know of anyone who can walk by a vase of flowers and not smile!
After all, isn’t seeing a flower bursting up from the ground after a long winter enough for us rejoice that winter is finally over & life is rejuvenated?
Well we have found this amazing vase that makes us feel that excitement, too. This foldable vase is a truly amazing gift. The vase can hold both water and flowers and then when finished, it does exactly what its name says – it folds up. It so practical? We can add your branding to this vase so that every time it is used it markets your companyWe think it's a perfect promotional gift, what do you think? 
Please note brand use is for reference only!