Monday, 19 December 2011

Another Great Product

Friday afternoon last week we received a re-order for this great product, for a Large UK Water Company. I was so excited that although I tweeted, I forgot to write about it on our blog.

Don't believe that old wives tale : By rinsing oils/fats down your sink with 'hot water' and washing up liquid.
It doesn't work!


This product is great as it stops all the food debris from blocking your sink pipes and our sewers. Since these pipes are the householders responsibility, it therefore saves you money in the long run!

This product can be branded to your specification & as you can see, it looks really great.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Watch this space!

Those of you who have worked with Search Asia before, will know how seriously we believe brand protection!
So even though we have just secured another great order for a Massive UK company, and I would love to share it with you all right now, I am afraid that you will just have to wait.... and watch this space....

I promise you that as soon as this product is out in the market, I will reveal it to you.
So just hang tight and all will be revealed very soon!